Thursday, January 16, 2014

Banana Crepes


1 strip Banana
Sugar sesuai selera
1 cup of milk
1 cup of flour
1 tbs butter
1 egg
butter for frying

Mix the flour and milk until it blend all together, put in the butter, and  egg. Stir and mix well. Sampai tercampur rata.

Prepare a flat pan,panaskan dalam api kecil and pour in the mixture dengan ketebalan sesuai selera into the pan, while its cooking, put in the banana place it in half side leaving the other side empty, and add sugar on top of it, flip the crepes half way, and flip again half way, sampai menjadi seperempat lingkaran. Cook until golden brown.

Additional: Bisa tambahkan mesis, atau parutan coklat kedalamnya, or even peanut butter and cheese.    
                Atau tambahkan coklat hersey liquid, or maple syrup sebagai topping. 

Serve for 3.

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