Monday, January 27, 2014

Chicken Casserole

1  chicken breast fillet

4 slices of white bread
1/2 cup of Milk
200 gr Pasta
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of butter
1 pc Potato, diced
1 pc Carrot, diced
1 grab of cilantro leafs
Salt and Pepper
2 cup Cheddar
1 tbs Dijon/ mustard

Saute chicken and cilantro, for 5 minutes until golden brown. Set aside

Boiled Pasta, potatoes, and carrot, add salt and pepper.  drained when cooked.

Bring to boil milk, add flour, stir well, add butter, add 1 and half cup of cheddar, dijon, salt and pepper, stir well until it mix nicely together. Add the pasta and veggie, mix it well.

Prepare a square baking pan, layer with white bread in the bottom, and add the pasta mixture in. Baked for 30 minutes in 190•C, add the remaining cheddar on the top, and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve hot or cold.

Serve for 6

Lemon Custard Pie


Unbaked Pie crust
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of milk
1 lemon citrus
Lemon zest
2 eggs, separates
1/2 cup of butter
3 tbs flour

Mix in a bowl, the sugar and butter,, add yolks, stir well, add flour, and milk gradually, add lemon and zest. Set aside.
In a different bowl, beat the egg white until stiff, then stir in the lemon mixture, gently fold the mixture together. Until incorporate well, add all the mixture into  the pie crust. Bake for 60 minutes in 150•C.

Serve for 4

Papaya Lime Juice


1/4 papaya (large papaya), diced
1/2 lemon citrus juice
lemon zest
3 tbs Sugar
5 ice cubes
100 ml cold water

Blend all ingredients in, starting each by each accordingly as listed above.
And blend it smoothly.

Serve for 1

Chicken Tulip


15 pc of chicken wings
1 cup Breadcrumbs
1/2 celery,chop
Salt and Pepper
Kari powder
Chilly Powder
Coriander Powder
1 Egg, beaten
150 gr water

shape the wings into tulip, and marinate with salt pepper, Kari, chilly, coriander, and  saute the wings, add water, and cook until dry out.

Prepare in a bowl, breadcrumbs + celery. Beat egg in a separate bowl, add the wing into the egg, and dip it into the breadcrumbs. Heat butter and fry the wings.

Serve for 2

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Aglio Olio with Chicken Fillet

300 gr Pasta
4 pcs small cut o fchicken fillet
4 pcs mushroom
Cilantro leaf
Salt and Pepper
BBQ Powder
Butter for frying
Olive oil
3pcs Garlic

Pasta: boiled pasta with little bit of olive oil and salt. Let it cook nicely until its moist end tender.

Tenderize the fillet give it a little bit of a punch to loosen up the thickness, and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Prepare breadcrumbs with chop celery mix it well. In a separate bowl, stir well the egg. Dip in the fillet into the egg, and dip it into the breadcrumbs, and set aside, do the same thing to each fillet.

Fry the fillet with butter, every side for 2 minutes or until its golden brown.

Back to Pasta:
Rinse the pasta and wash a bit with a cold water. Chop garlic and the mushroom.

Heat butter over a high level, put in garlic and mushroom, adding generous amount of olive oil cook until fragrant, add the pasta, stir, add fine chop cilantro, salt and pepper, and BBQ powder. Stir and cook until it incorporated together nicely. And ready for plating.

Serve for 1.

Mix Fruit Hot Pudding


2 tbs butter
5 tbs Sunquick syrup "mix fruit"
150 gr Flour
150 gr milk
Lemon zest for taste
6 tbs Granulated Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 tsp baking powder

Mix the butter and sugar until incorporate well, add egg, and stir well, next add up the milk and syrop. Mix well, but don't over mix, final, add baking powder and lemon zest. Place it on a small cake tray, and ready for bake. Bake in 190•C for 25 minutes.

Serve for: 5 people
Tips: will be nicer to add a mint leaf inside, to add a kick on the taste.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cilantro Fish and mushroom cream potatoes


1 stripe of Fish Fillet (Dory or Snapper) 
1 grab of Cilantro
1 Cup of Breadcrumbs
1 pc Big Sweet Potato
1/2 Cup of Mushroom
3/4 Cup Full Cream  
1 Egg
Salt and Pepper
BBQ Powder
Butter for Frying

Potong persegi fillet nya, dengan lebar 1.5 inche each. Pisahkan, tambahkan salt and pepper diamkan selagi kita persiapkan bahan lainnya.

Chop cilantro finely, dan masukan kedalam breadcrumb, aduk rata. Dalam mangkuk terpisah siapkan kocokan telur. Masukan potongan ikan satu persatu dalam kocokan telur lalu masukan dalam breadcrumbs. Sisihkan. Lakukan satu persatu.

Siapkan butter dalam fry pan yang sudah dipanaskan, masukan potongan ikan, masak masing2 sisi 2 menit, tambahkan salt and pepper sesuai selera.

Rebus potato selama kurang lebih 20 menit sampai lembut, angkat, jangan kupas kulitnya. Potong dadu besar. Lalu goreng dalam fry pan bekas memasak ikan yang belum di bersihkan. Tambahkan butter, masak sampai skin nya crispy, tambahkan salt, pepper and BBQ powder generously.

Chop Mushroom. Masak dalam butter, masukkan cream, tambahkan salt and pepper, aduk pelan, sampai mendidih.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Italian Churro

2 cup of Flour
2 cup of Water
2 tbs vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
6 tbs granulated sugar
1/3 cup of caster Sugar for topping
1 tbs cinnamon powder for topping

Heat the water until boild,stir in sugar, oil and salt, mix until set, and turn of the heat, stir in the flour and mix well, sampai mengumpal, dan aduk sampai tercampur rata.

Masukan dalam semprotan kue, dan langsung celupkan ke minyak panas. Masak tiap sisi 2 menit. Lalu angkat, tiriskan diatas kitchen towel.

Campurkan caster sugar dan cinnamon powder, mix well, tambahkan pada adonan chorros setelah dingin.

Serve: 20pcs.


This is the all time recipe of the family, We love it so much, we almost cannot live a week without having it as a quick snack. I am totally a fan of instant noodle, and really love to work a different recipe with the noodle. This is one thing that I really love to eat.


1 Mie Goreng Instant
1 Egg
4 tbs Milk
Butter for frying

Hancurkan mie instan jangan sampai jadi bubuk, leave it crumble and pisahkan bumbu2 nya termasuk minyak dan kecapnya, semuanya  dipakai kecuali saus sambalnya.

Siapkan dalam mangkuk, kocokan telur dan susunya, dan masukan mie instan kedalamnya, masukan semua bumbu2 dan kecap and minyaknya, all of it kecuali saus sambalnya. Lalu aduk rata.
Panaskan flat pan, medium heat, panaskan butter, lalu masukan mie mixture kedalamnya, ratakan seperti membuat omelet, dengan bantuan garpu ratakan, sampai ketebalannya sama, lalu masak dalam api medium kira-kira 2 menit setiap sisi nya. Sampai kuning coklat.  And its ready to serve.

Tips: Makan selagi hangat, saus sambal bisa dipakai for sauce.

Biarkan mixture mie dalam adukan telur selama 2 menit sebelum di masak. Supaya lembut di mulut saat di makan.

Serve for 1

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Banana Crepes


1 strip Banana
Sugar sesuai selera
1 cup of milk
1 cup of flour
1 tbs butter
1 egg
butter for frying

Mix the flour and milk until it blend all together, put in the butter, and  egg. Stir and mix well. Sampai tercampur rata.

Prepare a flat pan,panaskan dalam api kecil and pour in the mixture dengan ketebalan sesuai selera into the pan, while its cooking, put in the banana place it in half side leaving the other side empty, and add sugar on top of it, flip the crepes half way, and flip again half way, sampai menjadi seperempat lingkaran. Cook until golden brown.

Additional: Bisa tambahkan mesis, atau parutan coklat kedalamnya, or even peanut butter and cheese.    
                Atau tambahkan coklat hersey liquid, or maple syrup sebagai topping. 

Serve for 3.

Oriental Pasta

2 pcs Sosis Sapi Goreng
2 cup  Pasta
1 tbs Soy Sauce
1 tbs fish Sauce
1 tbs Oyster Sauce
1 teas Salt
1 teas BBQ powder
1 garlic
4 tbs Olive Oil

Masak pasta dalam rebusan air dengan sedikit oil dan garam, rebus sampai lembek, test dengan cara mengambil satu pasta dan potong dengan garpu, apabila dengan mudah terpotong, berarti sudah matang, angkat dan  siram dengan air dingin, tiriskan.

In a pan tumis bawang putih dengan oil nya langsung bersama sosis sapi yang sudah di potong-poyong sesuai selera, lalu masukkan pasta yang sudah di siram air dingin terlebih dahulu, tambahkan  kecap ikan, oyster sauce, soy sauce dan tambahkan garam dan BBQ powder aduk merata sampai warnanya tercampur dengan sempurna. (masak dalam api sedang ya..) angkat dan siap di sajikan. 

Serve for 2 (two)