Sunday, March 9, 2014

Old Chang Kie Squid Head


18 pc of medium size squid head
1/2 cup all purpous flour
1/2 cup rice flour
1/2 cup seasoned flour
1 tsp chilly powder
Salt and pepper
1 egg

Slice the squid in calamari size, set asside. Prepare the egg, and stir nicely set asside. In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients, salt pepper, and chilly powder.

Dip the squid into the edd mixture, add dip it to the flour mixture, and deep fry in medium heat, for about 4 minutes untill golden brown, do the same thing to the rest of the squid head.

Aline 3 pcs on each skewer, and ready for served.

Serve for 6 skewer.

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